So Much to Do! So Little Time!
Movie Theater
On Sunday we went to the movies to see Mamma Mia! — Here we go again. When we arrived at the cinema, we were a little bit confused at first as we couldn’t answer a question we were asked by one of the workers there.
He soon realised that we must be from another country as we didn’t know how the system in this cinema works, so he explained it to us. Further, we bought Nachos, mozarella sticks and popcorn to have some food during the film, so we didn‘t have to starve.
When we went to the room where they played our movie, we were very surprised by the chairs there! You could move them to nearly a sleeping position — very relaxing. In Austria we don’t have such luxurious seats, not even in the VIP area! The only bad thing was that it was quite cold in there.
Before the movie started, they played a lot of commercials and trailers. The movie was very nice to watch and we all enjoyed it a lot. We didn‘t have any problems with understanding what the actors were saying, either. What a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
We are able to try a lot of new things here. Last week Maggie tought us how to do wallpapering. In the beginning she showed us places in the house where wallpapering already has been done and told us about the techniques used and some of the difficulties they in certain areas.
Tina and Lisa are hanging a piece into a corner (tricky!) while Monika is preparing to cut another section.
Further, she showed us how to identify a good quality wallpaper and which pattern she likes. After this short introduction we got started. Maggie showed us how to mix the glue for the wallpaper for adhering it to the wall, and how to measure and cut the roll. She helped us try our first pieces on the wall on our own, but we always had to help together in pairs or groups of three, because it was a little bit difficult to keep the wallpaper on the wall and assure there are no wrinkles. We didn’t have enough time to finish the whole room but enough that we could already see a huge difference! Some of us are already thinking about continuing with wallpapering at home, too. Hopefully our moms are as happy about that as we are..
Elizabeth and I are working together on the window edging.
Going to Georgia
Yesterday we had to get up very early in the morning — at 5am! The reason why? We drove to Georgia by car, which is an extremely long car ride! Because of that we had to start early.
On our way to Jubilee farm, where we met with Jim and Maggie, the man on the radio was saying "What a Monday!".
We agree. We spent all day sitting in the car listening to podcasts, music or talking to Jim. Jim told us, especially me as I was sitting in the front seat, a lot of stories about the cities we passed, occasions which had happened in his life, things he thinks are good to know about the American highways and a lot more. And I have to say, I really learned some new things!
Furthermore, I sometimes had to be Jim‘s secretary as he often got some text messages he couldn‘t answer while driving, so I read them to him and he responded at our breaks.
We stopped for little breaks to go to the restrooms, walk a little bit, use the phon, or eat something. We also stopped at "South of the Border" so we could see this very strange place. We saw some other strange things, too. For example when we stopped for dinner, we saw a motorcycle with a coffin on it!
As it got later and later we got very tired and were looking forward to our beds. When we arrived at about 11:30pm, we were so surprised by the beautiful house we had to look at all the rooms because they looked so great!
---Verena Lederbauer