Jubilee Farm Landscape Committee
First Meeting of the Landscape Committee where the Associate Members were Fired.
The First Meeting of the Jubilee Farm Landscape Committee occurred today at 8-10 am. The Committee Members voted on membership including a chair and members Samantha Wöhrer, Elisabeth Lindinger and Jane O’Brien. The Committee is shown above at their first site of analysis. Behind them is a sample sign, which the Committee agreed needs to be enlarged for this site but which can be deployed elsewhere, and the dead tree needs to be removed, and…
although we at first approved of Adjunct Members (to the left of the photo a capable team of miniature Nigerian goats), they were summarily dismissed for bad behavior, that being the attempted destruction of the landscape shrubs.
The Adjunct Committee was quickly corralled, sent home with Tucker, and no longer allowed to participate willy nilly in Landscape Commitee meetings. They tried to rush us once again at the second site (photo upcoming) but were again dismissed from every and all future Landscape Committee meetings.
—- Maggie O’Brien 8/13/2019
PS We miss our 3 interns, Lisa, Jojo and Hanni, who are now home once again in Austria. Two are now in NYC, Eva and Julia with curls, and the two above, Sam the Dog Whisperer and Lisi, are now babysitting Jack the Wonder Dog.